Tuesday, March 21, 2006

And Now For Something Completely Different

My apologies to Tabitha, Martha and Eve. All posted responses to my inital volleys for SPOKE and then there was silence.

Narcissistic self-concern is a strange disease and it will surely be the worst enemy of something like Spoke, and I, as editor am probably the most infected with it.

God loves a good irony.

I've asked Marth and Tabitha to contribute. Now I'd like to ask Eve as well. Wade, Mike and Rick have also been asked.

I don't like rules a great deal...but I like intent. The intent of this is meditiations, explorations, etc. on what it means to live in a universe that is Christocentric. We are not the Center, Jesus is. I'm pretty darned sure of that.

Many family's have an "elephant" in the living room. They are in denial and pretend life is other. So it is with the Family of God. We have a Trinity in the Living Room that is pretty much ignored.

Meanwhile we pass on...like grass or the faded flower in time. But Paul says that while it is not clear yet what we shall become after such, that we do know when we see Him, Jesus, we shall "be like Him".

Seeing Jesus now is a really good idea. I've seen quite enough of me. I know some of you who will read this would like to see more of me. Well, I'd like to see less. But then, I have to see me all the time (hell, even when I am sleeping I am still looking at my eyelids).

(And no, I am not gonna lose my sense of humor in this. God is a Merry Prankster).