Thursday, April 13, 2006

Via Crucis: Station 10

They were naked yet "not ashamed".

Dial ahead and they strip the garments off the arms, shoulders and legs of a humiliated God incarnate.

Two disparate images and two realities.

Shame, blame and sin in the middle...a mess. Lost, hardened, evil, vicious, stupid, ignorant..again just lost.

"Strip asshole!"

This is how you demean a human because it plays to all that came before and still is.

Jesus was stripped down to nothing. The Great Leveler. No one can ever point to Jesus and say "you just do not understand".


I do not understand. You do not. But this One does.

God understands shame.

God understands blame because no one is more blamed than God and less culpable (we are our own mess).

God shed animal blood to clothe Adam and Eve. Then came the question: "Who told you, you were naked?"

It is as profound a question today.

Who told you?

And what do you do with it? ...yes...YOU!

Naked we enter..naked we leave..what clothes us inbetween?